RTEMS Shell Guide (7.ea36b44).#
The authors have used their best efforts in preparing this material. These efforts include the development, research, and testing of the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness. No warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to the software or the material contained in this document is provided. No liability arising out of the application or use of any product described in this document is assumed. The authors reserve the right to revise this material and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation to notify anyone of such revision or changes.
The RTEMS Project is hosted at https://www.rtems.org. Any inquiries concerning RTEMS, its related support components, or its documentation should be directed to the RTEMS Project community.
- 1. Preface
- 2. Configuration and Initialization
- 3. General Commands
- 3.1. Introduction
- 3.2. Commands
- 3.2.1. help - Print command help
- 3.2.2. alias - add alias for an existing command
- 3.2.3. cmdls - List commands
- 3.2.4. cmdchown - Change user or owner of commands
- 3.2.5. cmdchmod - Change mode of commands
- 3.2.6. date - print or set current date and time
- 3.2.7. echo - produce message in a shell script
- 3.2.8. sleep - delay for a specified amount of time
- 3.2.9. id - show uid gid euid and egid
- 3.2.10. tty - show ttyname
- 3.2.11. whoami - print effective user id
- 3.2.12. getenv - print environment variable
- 3.2.13. setenv - set environment variable
- 3.2.14. unsetenv - unset environment variable
- 3.2.15. time - time command execution
- 3.2.16. logoff - logoff from the system
- 3.2.17. rtc - RTC driver configuration
- 3.2.18. i2cdetect - detect I2C devices
- 3.2.19. i2cget - get data from an EEPROM like I2C device
- 3.2.20. i2cset - write data to an EEPROM like I2C device
- 3.2.21. spi - read and write simple data to an SPI bus
- 3.2.22. flashdev - read, write, erase and use
- 3.2.23. exit - exit the shell
- 4. File and Directory Commands
- 4.1. Introduction
- 4.2. Commands
- 4.2.1. blksync - sync the block driver
- 4.2.2. cat - display file contents
- 4.2.3. cd - alias for chdir
- 4.2.4. chdir - change the current directory
- 4.2.5. chmod - change permissions of a file
- 4.2.6. chroot - change the root directory
- 4.2.7. cp - copy files
- 4.2.8. dd - convert and copy a file
- 4.2.9. debugrfs - debug RFS file system
- 4.2.10. df - display file system disk space usage
- 4.2.11. dir - alias for ls
- 4.2.12. fdisk - format disk
- 4.2.13. hexdump - ascii/dec/hex/octal dump
- 4.2.14. ln - make links
- 4.2.15. ls - list files in the directory
- 4.2.16. md5 - compute the Md5 hash of a file or list of files
- 4.2.17. mkdir - create a directory
- 4.2.18. mkdos - DOSFS file system format
- 4.2.19. mknod - make device special file
- 4.2.20. mkrfs - format RFS file system
- 4.2.21. mount - mount disk
- 4.2.22. mv - move files
- 4.2.23. pwd - print work directory
- 4.2.24. rmdir - remove empty directories
- 4.2.25. rm - remove files
- 4.2.26. umask - set file mode creation mask
- 4.2.27. unmount - unmount disk
- 5. Memory Commands
- 5.1. Introduction
- 5.2. Commands
- 5.2.1. mdump - display contents of memory
- 5.2.2. wdump - display contents of memory (word)
- 5.2.3. ldump - display contents of memory (longword)
- 5.2.4. medit - modify contents of memory
- 5.2.5. mfill - file memory with pattern
- 5.2.6. mmove - move contents of memory
- 5.2.7. malloc - obtain information on C program heap
- 6. RTEMS Specific Commands
- 6.1. Introduction
- 6.2. Commands
- 6.2.1. rtems - RTEMS Details
- 6.2.2. shutdown - Shutdown the system
- 6.2.3. cpuinfo - print per-processor information
- 6.2.4. cpuuse - print or reset per thread cpu usage
- 6.2.5. stackuse - print per thread stack usage
- 6.2.6. perioduse - print or reset per period usage
- 6.2.7. profreport - print a profiling report
- 6.2.8. wkspace - display information on executive workspace
- 6.2.9. config - show the system configuration.
- 6.2.10. itask - list init tasks for the system
- 6.2.11. extension - display information about extensions
- 6.2.12. task - display information about tasks
- 6.2.13. queue - display information about message queues
- 6.2.14. sema - display information about semaphores
- 6.2.15. region - display information about regions
- 6.2.16. part - display information about partitions
- 6.2.17. object - display information about RTEMS objects
- 6.2.18. driver - display the RTEMS device driver table
- 6.2.19. dname - displays information about named drivers
- 6.2.20. pthread - display information about POSIX threads
- 7. Dynamic Loader
- 8. Network Commands
- 9. Function and Variable Index
- 10. Concept Index