6.3.6. Naming Rules# General Rules#
Avoid abbreviations.
Exception: when the abbreviation is more common than the full word.
Exception: For well-known acronyms.
Use descriptive language.
File names should be lower-case alphabet letters only, plus the extension. Avoid symbols in file names.
Prefer to use underscores to separate words, rather than CamelCase.or !TitleCase.
Local-scope variable names are all lower case with underscores between words.
CPP macros are all capital letters with underscores between words.
Enumerated (enum) values are all capital letters with underscores between words, but the type name follows the regular rules of other type names.
Constant (const) variables follow the same rules as other variables. An exception is that a const that replaces a CPP macro might be all capital letters for backward compatibility.
Type names, function names, and global scope names have different rules depending on whether they are part of the public API or are internal to RTEMS, see below.
User-Facing APIs
The public API routines follow a standard API like POSIX or BSD or start with rtems_. If a name starts with rtems_, then it should be assumed to be available for use by the application and be documented in the User’s Guide.
If the method is intended to be private, then make it static to a file or start the name with a leading _.
Classic API
Public facing APIs start with rtems_ followed by a word or phrase to indicate the Manager or functional category the method or data type belongs to.
Non-public APIs should be static or begin with a leading _. The required form is the use of a leading underscore, functional area with leading capital letter, an underscore, and the method with a leading capital letter.
Follow the rules of POSIX.
RTEMS Internal Interfaces
Super Core
The Super Core. is organized in an Object-Oriented fashion. Each score Handler is a Package, or Module, and each Module contains type definitions, functions, etc. The following summarizes our conventions for using names within SuperCore. Modules.
Use “Module_name_Particular_type_name” for type names.
Use “_Module_name_Particular_function_name” for functions names.
Use “_Module_name_Global_or_file_scope_variable_name” for global or file scope variable names.
Within a structure:
Use “Name” for struct aggregate members.
Use “name” for reference members.
Use “name” for primitive type members.
As shown in the following example:
typedef struct { Other_module_Struct_type Aggregate_member_name; Other_module_Struct_type *reference_member_name; Other_module_Primitive_type primitive_member_name; } The_module_Type_name;