RTEMS  5.0.0
Data Fields
rtems_rtl_loader_table Struct Reference

#include <rtl-obj.h>

Data Fields

rtems_rtl_loader_check check
rtems_rtl_loader_load load
rtems_rtl_loader_unload unload
rtems_rtl_loader_sig signature

Detailed Description

Table for supported loadable formats.

Field Documentation

◆ check

rtems_rtl_loader_check rtems_rtl_loader_table::check

The check handler.

◆ load

rtems_rtl_loader_load rtems_rtl_loader_table::load

The loader.

◆ signature

rtems_rtl_loader_sig rtems_rtl_loader_table::signature

The loader's signature.

◆ unload

rtems_rtl_loader_unload rtems_rtl_loader_table::unload

The unloader.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: