volatile uint32_t | siliconid1 |
volatile uint32_t | siliconid2 |
volatile uint32_t | _pad_0x8_0xf [2] |
volatile uint32_t | wddbg |
volatile uint32_t | bootinfo |
volatile uint32_t | hpsinfo |
volatile uint32_t | parityinj |
volatile ALT_SYSMGR_FPGAINTF_raw_t | fpgaintfgrp |
volatile ALT_SYSMGR_SCANMGR_raw_t | scanmgrgrp |
volatile uint32_t | _pad_0x34_0x3f [3] |
volatile ALT_SYSMGR_FRZCTL_raw_t | frzctrl |
volatile ALT_SYSMGR_EMAC_raw_t | emacgrp |
volatile ALT_SYSMGR_DMA_raw_t | dmagrp |
volatile uint32_t | _pad_0x78_0x7f [2] |
volatile ALT_SYSMGR_ISW_raw_t | iswgrp |
volatile uint32_t | _pad_0xa0_0xbf [8] |
volatile ALT_SYSMGR_ROMCODE_raw_t | romcodegrp |
volatile ALT_SYSMGR_ROMHW_raw_t | romhwgrp |
volatile uint32_t | _pad_0x104_0x107 |
volatile ALT_SYSMGR_SDMMC_raw_t | sdmmcgrp |
volatile ALT_SYSMGR_NAND_raw_t | nandgrp |
volatile ALT_SYSMGR_USB_raw_t | usbgrp |
volatile uint32_t | _pad_0x11c_0x13f [9] |
volatile ALT_SYSMGR_ECC_raw_t | eccgrp |
volatile uint32_t | _pad_0x180_0x3ff [160] |
volatile ALT_SYSMGR_PINMUX_raw_t | pinmuxgrp |
volatile uint32_t | _pad_0x800_0x4000 [3584] |
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: