RTEMS  5.0.0
Modules | Files | Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
Heap Handler

The Heap Handler provides a heap. More...


 Protected Heap Handler
 Provides protected heap services.


file  heap.h
 Heap Handler API.
file  heapimpl.h
 Heap Handler Implementation.
file  heapinfo.h
 Heap Handler Information API.
file  heap.c
 Heap Handler implementation.
file  heapallocate.c
 Heap Handler implementation.
file  heapextend.c
 Heap Handler implementation.
file  heapfree.c
 Heap Handler implementation.
file  heapgetfreeinfo.c
 Heap Handler implementation.
file  heapgetinfo.c
 Heap Handler implementation.
file  heapgreedy.c
 Heap Handler API.
file  heapiterate.c
 _Heap_Iterate() implementation.
file  heapnoextend.c
 Heap Handler implementation.
file  heapresizeblock.c
 Heap Handler implementation.
file  heapsizeofuserarea.c
 Heap Handler implementation.
file  heapwalk.c
 Heap Handler implementation.

Data Structures

struct  Heap_Block
 Description for free or used blocks. More...
struct  Heap_Control
 Control block used to manage a heap. More...
struct  Heap_Area
 Heap area structure for table based heap initialization and extension. More...
struct  Heap_Statistics
 Run-time heap statistics. More...
struct  Heap_Information
 Information about blocks. More...
struct  Heap_Information_block
 Information block returned by _Heap_Get_information(). More...


#define HEAP_BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE   (2 * sizeof(uintptr_t) + HEAP_PROTECTION_HEADER_SIZE)
 The block header consists of the two size fields (Heap_Block::prev_size and Heap_Block::size_and_flag).
#define HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED   ((uintptr_t) 1)
 See also Heap_Block::size_and_flag.
#define HEAP_ALLOC_BONUS   sizeof(uintptr_t)
 Size of the part at the block begin which may be used for allocation in charge of the previous block.
#define _Heap_Protection_block_initialize(heap, block)   ((void) 0)
#define _Heap_Protection_block_check(heap, block)   ((void) 0)
#define _Heap_Protection_block_error(heap, block)   ((void) 0)
#define _Heap_Protection_free_all_delayed_blocks(heap)   ((void) 0)
#define _HAssert(cond)   ((void) 0)


typedef struct Heap_Control Heap_Control
typedef struct Heap_Block Heap_Block
typedef uintptr_t(* Heap_Initialization_or_extend_handler) (Heap_Control *heap, void *area_begin, uintptr_t area_size, uintptr_t page_size_or_unused)
 Heap initialization and extend handler type. More...
typedef bool(* Heap_Block_visitor) (const Heap_Block *block, uintptr_t block_size, bool block_is_used, void *visitor_arg)
 Heap block visitor. More...


 See _Heap_Resize_block().


uintptr_t _Heap_Extend (Heap_Control *heap, void *area_begin, uintptr_t area_size, uintptr_t unused)
 Extends the memory available for the heap heap using the memory area starting at area_begin of size area_size bytes. More...
uintptr_t _Heap_No_extend (Heap_Control *unused_0, void *unused_1, uintptr_t unused_2, uintptr_t unused_3)
 This function returns always zero. More...
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Heap_Align_up (uintptr_t value, uintptr_t alignment)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Heap_Min_block_size (uintptr_t page_size)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Heap_Area_overhead (uintptr_t page_size)
 Returns the worst case overhead to manage a memory area.
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Heap_Size_with_overhead (uintptr_t page_size, uintptr_t size, uintptr_t alignment)
 Returns the size with administration and alignment overhead for one allocation.
bool _Heap_Get_first_and_last_block (uintptr_t heap_area_begin, uintptr_t heap_area_size, uintptr_t page_size, uintptr_t min_block_size, Heap_Block **first_block_ptr, Heap_Block **last_block_ptr)
 Gets the first and last block for the heap area with begin heap_area_begin and size heap_area_size. More...
uintptr_t _Heap_Initialize (Heap_Control *heap, void *area_begin, uintptr_t area_size, uintptr_t page_size)
 Initializes the heap control block heap to manage the area starting at area_begin of size area_size bytes. More...
void * _Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary (Heap_Control *heap, uintptr_t size, uintptr_t alignment, uintptr_t boundary)
 Allocates a memory area of size size bytes from the heap heap. More...
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void * _Heap_Allocate_aligned (Heap_Control *heap, uintptr_t size, uintptr_t alignment)
 See _Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary() with boundary equals zero.
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void * _Heap_Allocate (Heap_Control *heap, uintptr_t size)
 See _Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary() with alignment and boundary equals zero.
bool _Heap_Free (Heap_Control *heap, void *addr)
 Frees the allocated memory area starting at addr in the heap heap. More...
bool _Heap_Walk (Heap_Control *heap, int source, bool dump)
 Walks the heap heap to verify its integrity. More...
void _Heap_Iterate (Heap_Control *heap, Heap_Block_visitor visitor, void *visitor_arg)
 Iterates over all blocks of the heap. More...
Heap_Block_Heap_Greedy_allocate (Heap_Control *heap, const uintptr_t *block_sizes, size_t block_count)
 Greedy allocate that empties the heap. More...
Heap_Block_Heap_Greedy_allocate_all_except_largest (Heap_Control *heap, uintptr_t *allocatable_size)
 Greedy allocate all blocks except the largest free block. More...
void _Heap_Greedy_free (Heap_Control *heap, Heap_Block *blocks)
 Frees blocks of a greedy allocation. More...
void _Heap_Get_information (Heap_Control *heap, Heap_Information_block *info)
 Returns information about used and free blocks for the heap heap in info.
void _Heap_Get_free_information (Heap_Control *heap, Heap_Information *info)
 Returns information about free blocks for the heap heap in info.
bool _Heap_Size_of_alloc_area (Heap_Control *heap, void *addr, uintptr_t *size)
 Returns the size of the allocatable memory area starting at addr in size. More...
Heap_Resize_status _Heap_Resize_block (Heap_Control *heap, void *addr, uintptr_t size, uintptr_t *old_size, uintptr_t *new_size)
 Resizes the block of the allocated memory area starting at addr. More...
Heap_Block_Heap_Block_allocate (Heap_Control *heap, Heap_Block *block, uintptr_t alloc_begin, uintptr_t alloc_size)
 Allocates the memory area starting at alloc_begin of size alloc_size bytes in the block block. More...
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Heap_Protection_set_delayed_free_fraction (Heap_Control *heap, uintptr_t fraction)
 Sets the fraction of delayed free blocks that is actually freed during memory shortage. More...
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Heap_Block_Heap_Free_list_head (Heap_Control *heap)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Heap_Block_Heap_Free_list_tail (Heap_Control *heap)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Heap_Block_Heap_Free_list_first (Heap_Control *heap)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Heap_Block_Heap_Free_list_last (Heap_Control *heap)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Heap_Free_list_remove (Heap_Block *block)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Heap_Free_list_replace (Heap_Block *old_block, Heap_Block *new_block)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Heap_Free_list_insert_after (Heap_Block *block_before, Heap_Block *new_block)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Heap_Free_list_insert_before (Heap_Block *block_next, Heap_Block *new_block)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE bool _Heap_Is_aligned (uintptr_t value, uintptr_t alignment)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Heap_Align_down (uintptr_t value, uintptr_t alignment)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Heap_Block_Heap_Block_at (const Heap_Block *block, uintptr_t offset)
 Returns the block which is offset away from block.
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Heap_Block_Heap_Prev_block (const Heap_Block *block)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Heap_Alloc_area_of_block (const Heap_Block *block)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE Heap_Block_Heap_Block_of_alloc_area (uintptr_t alloc_begin, uintptr_t page_size)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Heap_Block_size (const Heap_Block *block)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Heap_Block_set_size (Heap_Block *block, uintptr_t size)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE bool _Heap_Is_prev_used (const Heap_Block *block)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE bool _Heap_Is_used (const Heap_Block *block)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE bool _Heap_Is_free (const Heap_Block *block)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE bool _Heap_Is_block_in_heap (const Heap_Control *heap, const Heap_Block *block)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Heap_Set_last_block_size (Heap_Control *heap)
 Sets the size of the last block for heap heap. More...
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Heap_Get_size (const Heap_Control *heap)
 Returns the size of the allocatable area in bytes. More...
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Heap_Max (uintptr_t a, uintptr_t b)
RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Heap_Min (uintptr_t a, uintptr_t b)

Detailed Description

The Heap Handler provides a heap.

A heap is a doubly linked list of variable size blocks which are allocated using the first fit method. Garbage collection is performed each time a block is returned to the heap by coalescing neighbor blocks. Control information for both allocated and free blocks is contained in the heap area. A heap control structure contains control information for the heap.

The alignment routines could be made faster should we require only powers of two to be supported for page size, alignment and boundary arguments. The minimum alignment requirement for pages is currently CPU_ALIGNMENT and this value is only required to be multiple of two and explicitly not required to be a power of two.

There are two kinds of blocks. One sort describes a free block from which we can allocate memory. The other blocks are used and provide an allocated memory area. The free blocks are accessible via a list of free blocks.

Blocks or areas cover a continuous set of memory addresses. They have a begin and end address. The end address is not part of the set. The size of a block or area equals the distance between the begin and end address in units of bytes.

Free blocks look like:

Heap_Blockprevious block size in case the previous block is free,
otherwise it may contain data used by the previous block
block size and a flag which indicates if the previous block is free or used,
this field contains always valid data regardless of the block usage
pointer to next block (this field is page size aligned)
pointer to previous block
free space

Used blocks look like:

Heap_Blockprevious block size in case the previous block is free,
otherwise it may contain data used by the previous block
block size and a flag which indicates if the previous block is free or used,
this field contains always valid data regardless of the block usage
begin of allocated area (this field is page size aligned)
allocated space
allocated space

The heap area after initialization contains two blocks and looks like:

heap->area_beginheap area begin address
first_block->prev_size subordinate heap area end address (this will be used to maintain a linked list of scattered heap areas)
first_block->size size available for allocation | HEAP_PREV_BLOCK_USED
first_block->next_Heap_Free_list_tail(heap) memory area available for allocation
last_block->prev_sizesize of first block
last_block->size first block begin address - last block begin address
heap->area_endheap area end address

The next block of the last block is the first block. Since the first block indicates that the previous block is used, this ensures that the last block appears as used for the _Heap_Is_used() and _Heap_Is_free() functions.

Typedef Documentation

◆ Heap_Block_visitor

typedef bool(* Heap_Block_visitor) (const Heap_Block *block, uintptr_t block_size, bool block_is_used, void *visitor_arg)

Heap block visitor.

See also
Return values
trueStop the iteration.
falseContinue the iteration.

◆ Heap_Initialization_or_extend_handler

typedef uintptr_t(* Heap_Initialization_or_extend_handler) (Heap_Control *heap, void *area_begin, uintptr_t area_size, uintptr_t page_size_or_unused)

Heap initialization and extend handler type.

This helps to do a table based heap initialization and extension. Create a table of Heap_Area elements and iterate through it. Set the handler to _Heap_Initialize() in the first iteration and then to _Heap_Extend().

See also
Heap_Area, _Heap_Initialize(), _Heap_Extend(), or _Heap_No_extend().

Function Documentation

◆ _Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary()

void* _Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary ( Heap_Control heap,
uintptr_t  size,
uintptr_t  alignment,
uintptr_t  boundary 

Allocates a memory area of size size bytes from the heap heap.

If the alignment parameter alignment is not equal to zero, the allocated memory area will begin at an address aligned by this value.

If the boundary parameter boundary is not equal to zero, the allocated memory area will fulfill a boundary constraint. The boundary value specifies the set of addresses which are aligned by the boundary value. The interior of the allocated memory area will not contain an element of this set. The begin or end address of the area may be a member of the set.

A size value of zero will return a unique address which may be freed with _Heap_Free().

Returns a pointer to the begin of the allocated memory area, or NULL if no memory is available or the parameters are inconsistent.

◆ _Heap_Block_allocate()

Heap_Block* _Heap_Block_allocate ( Heap_Control heap,
Heap_Block block,
uintptr_t  alloc_begin,
uintptr_t  alloc_size 

Allocates the memory area starting at alloc_begin of size alloc_size bytes in the block block.

The block may be split up into multiple blocks. The previous and next block may be used or free. Free block parts which form a vaild new block will be inserted into the free list or merged with an adjacent free block. If the block is used, they will be inserted after the free list head. If the block is free, they will be inserted after the previous block in the free list.

Inappropriate values for alloc_begin or alloc_size may corrupt the heap.

Returns the block containing the allocated memory area.

◆ _Heap_Extend()

uintptr_t _Heap_Extend ( Heap_Control heap,
void *  area_begin,
uintptr_t  area_size,
uintptr_t  unused 

Extends the memory available for the heap heap using the memory area starting at area_begin of size area_size bytes.

There are no alignment requirements for the memory area. The memory area must be big enough to contain some maintenance blocks. It must not overlap parts of the current heap memory areas. Disconnected memory areas added to the heap will lead to used blocks which cover the gaps. Extending with an inappropriate memory area will corrupt the heap resulting in undefined behaviour.

The unused fourth parameter is provided to have the same signature as _Heap_Initialize().

Returns the extended space available for allocation, or zero in case of failure.

See also

◆ _Heap_Free()

bool _Heap_Free ( Heap_Control heap,
void *  addr 

Frees the allocated memory area starting at addr in the heap heap.

Inappropriate values for addr may corrupt the heap.

Returns true in case of success, and false otherwise.

◆ _Heap_Get_first_and_last_block()

bool _Heap_Get_first_and_last_block ( uintptr_t  heap_area_begin,
uintptr_t  heap_area_size,
uintptr_t  page_size,
uintptr_t  min_block_size,
Heap_Block **  first_block_ptr,
Heap_Block **  last_block_ptr 

Gets the first and last block for the heap area with begin heap_area_begin and size heap_area_size.

A page size of page_size and minimal block size of min_block_size will be used for calculation.

Nothing will be written to this area.

In case of success the pointers to the first and last block will be returned via first_block_ptr and last_block_ptr.

Returns true if the area is big enough, and false otherwise.

◆ _Heap_Get_size()

RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE uintptr_t _Heap_Get_size ( const Heap_Control heap)

Returns the size of the allocatable area in bytes.

This value is an integral multiple of the page size.

◆ _Heap_Greedy_allocate()

Heap_Block* _Heap_Greedy_allocate ( Heap_Control heap,
const uintptr_t *  block_sizes,
size_t  block_count 

Greedy allocate that empties the heap.

Afterwards the heap has at most block_count allocatable blocks of sizes specified by block_sizes. The block_sizes must point to an array with block_count members. All other blocks are used.

See also

◆ _Heap_Greedy_allocate_all_except_largest()

Heap_Block* _Heap_Greedy_allocate_all_except_largest ( Heap_Control heap,
uintptr_t *  allocatable_size 

Greedy allocate all blocks except the largest free block.

Afterwards the heap has at most one allocatable block. This block is the largest free block if it exists. The allocatable size of this block is stored in allocatable_size. All other blocks are used.

See also

◆ _Heap_Greedy_free()

void _Heap_Greedy_free ( Heap_Control heap,
Heap_Block blocks 

Frees blocks of a greedy allocation.

The blocks must be the return value of _Heap_Greedy_allocate().

◆ _Heap_Initialize()

uintptr_t _Heap_Initialize ( Heap_Control heap,
void *  area_begin,
uintptr_t  area_size,
uintptr_t  page_size 

Initializes the heap control block heap to manage the area starting at area_begin of size area_size bytes.

Blocks of memory are allocated from the heap in multiples of page_size byte units. If the page_size is equal to zero or is not multiple of CPU_ALIGNMENT, it is aligned up to the nearest CPU_ALIGNMENT boundary.

Returns the maximum memory available, or zero in case of failure.

See also

◆ _Heap_Iterate()

void _Heap_Iterate ( Heap_Control heap,
Heap_Block_visitor  visitor,
void *  visitor_arg 

Iterates over all blocks of the heap.

For each block the visitor with the argument visitor_arg will be called.

◆ _Heap_No_extend()

uintptr_t _Heap_No_extend ( Heap_Control unused_0,
void *  unused_1,
uintptr_t  unused_2,
uintptr_t  unused_3 

This function returns always zero.

This function only returns zero and does nothing else.

Returns always zero.

See also

◆ _Heap_Protection_set_delayed_free_fraction()

RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Heap_Protection_set_delayed_free_fraction ( Heap_Control heap,
uintptr_t  fraction 

Sets the fraction of delayed free blocks that is actually freed during memory shortage.

The default is to free half the delayed free blocks. This is equal to a fraction value of two.

[in]heapThe heap control.
[in]fractionThe fraction is one divided by this fraction value.

◆ _Heap_Resize_block()

Heap_Resize_status _Heap_Resize_block ( Heap_Control heap,
void *  addr,
uintptr_t  size,
uintptr_t *  old_size,
uintptr_t *  new_size 

Resizes the block of the allocated memory area starting at addr.

The new memory area will have a size of at least size bytes. A resize may be impossible and depends on the current heap usage.

The size available for allocation in the current block before the resize will be returned in old_size. The size available for allocation in the resized block will be returned in new_size. If the resize was not successful, then a value of zero will be returned in new_size.

Inappropriate values for addr may corrupt the heap.

◆ _Heap_Set_last_block_size()

RTEMS_INLINE_ROUTINE void _Heap_Set_last_block_size ( Heap_Control heap)

Sets the size of the last block for heap heap.

The next block of the last block will be the first block. Since the first block indicates that the previous block is used, this ensures that the last block appears as used for the _Heap_Is_used() and _Heap_Is_free() functions.

This feature will be used to terminate the scattered heap area list. See also _Heap_Extend().

◆ _Heap_Size_of_alloc_area()

bool _Heap_Size_of_alloc_area ( Heap_Control heap,
void *  addr,
uintptr_t *  size 

Returns the size of the allocatable memory area starting at addr in size.

The size value may be greater than the initially requested size in _Heap_Allocate_aligned_with_boundary().

Inappropriate values for addr will not corrupt the heap, but may yield invalid size values.

Returns true if successful, and false otherwise.

◆ _Heap_Walk()

bool _Heap_Walk ( Heap_Control heap,
int  source,
bool  dump 

Walks the heap heap to verify its integrity.

If dump is true, then diagnostic messages will be printed to standard output. In this case source is used to mark the output lines.

Returns true if no errors occurred, and false if the heap is corrupt.