RTEMS  5.0.0
src Directory Reference


file  _execve.c
 _execve()The Newlib C Library contains all of the exec*() variants and assumes the underlying OS support provides _execve(). This single method ensures that all exec*() variants return ENOSYS.
file  adjtime.c
 Adjust the Time to Synchronize the System Clock.
file  aio_cancel.c
 Cancel Asynchronous I/O Operation.
file  aio_error.c
 Returns the error status for the Asynchronous I/O request.
file  aio_fsync.c
 Syncing of all Outstanding Asynchronous I/O Operations.
file  aio_misc.c
 Actual request being processed.
file  aio_read.c
 Asynchronously reads Data from a File.
file  aio_return.c
 Final return status for Asynchronous I/O request pointed to by aiobcp.
file  aio_suspend.c
 Suspends Process until Asynchronous I/O Operation completes.
file  aio_write.c
 Function queues I/O request described by buffer pointed by aiocb.
file  alarm.c
 System Generates Signal for process after realtime seconds elapsed.
file  barrierattrdestroy.c
 Function shall Destroy a Barrier Attribues Object.
file  barrierattrgetpshared.c
 Barrier Attributes Get Process Shared.
file  barrierattrinit.c
 Initialize the Barrier Attributes Object.
file  barrierattrsetpshared.c
 Set the Process-Shared Attribute of the Barrier Attributes Object.
file  cancel.c
 Canceling Execution of a Thread.
file  cleanuppush.c
 POSIX Cleanup Support.
file  clockgetcpuclockid.c
 Function Returns Clock ID of CPU-time Clock of process specified.
file  clockgetres.c
 Function Returns the Resolution of any Clock.
file  clockgettime.c
 Retrieves the Specified Clock Time.
file  clocksettime.c
 Set Time of Clock.
file  condattrdestroy.c
 Destroy Condition Attribute.
file  condattrgetclock.c
 Get the Clock Condition Variable Attributes.
file  condattrgetpshared.c
 Get the Process-Shared Condition Variable Attributes.
file  condattrinit.c
 Initialization of Conditional Attributes.
file  condattrsetclock.c
 Set the Clock Condition Variable Attributes.
file  condattrsetpshared.c
 Set the Process-Shared Condition Variable Attributes.
file  condbroadcast.c
 Broadcast a Condition.
file  conddefaultattributes.c
 Condition variable Attributes structure.
file  conddestroy.c
 Destroy a Condition Variable.
file  condinit.c
 Initialize a Condition Variable.
file  condsignal.c
 Signal a Condition.
file  condsignalsupp.c
 Implements wake up version of the "signal" operation.
file  condtimedwait.c
 Waiting on a Condition.
file  condwait.c
 Waiting on a Condition.
file  condwaitsupp.c
 POSIX Condition Variables Wait Support.
file  fork.c
 Inoperable implementation of fork() for POSIX threads.
file  getitimer.c
 Function Gets Value of an Interval Timer.
file  key.c
 POSIX Keys Information with Zero Objects.
file  keycreate.c
 Thread-Specific Data Key Create.
file  keydelete.c
 Deletes Thread-specific Data Key Previously Returned by keycreate.c.
file  keygetspecific.c
 Thread-Specific Data Management.
file  keysetspecific.c
 Set Specific Key.
file  kill.c
 Send a Signal to a Process.
file  kill_r.c
 Send a Signal to a Process.
file  killinfo.c
 Send a Signal to a Process.
file  lio_listio.c
 Function Initiates a List of I/O Requests with Single Function Call.
file  mlock.c
file  mlockall.c
file  mmap.c
file  mprotect.c
 Change Memory Protection12.2.3 Change Memory Protection, P1003.1b-1996, p. 277.
file  mqueue.c
 POSIX Message Queue Information with Zero Objects.
file  mqueueclose.c
 Function closes the Message Queue.
file  mqueuedeletesupp.c
 POSIX Delete Message Queue.
file  mqueuegetattr.c
 Message Queue Attributes.
file  mqueuenotify.c
 Notify Process that a Message is Available on a Queue.
file  mqueueopen.c
 Creates a new POSIX Message Queue or Opens an Existing Queue.
file  mqueuereceive.c
 Receive a Message From a Message Queue.
file  mqueuerecvsupp.c
 POSIX Message Queue Receive Support.
file  mqueuesend.c
 Adds Message Pointed by msg_ptr to Message Queue Reffered by mqdes.
file  mqueuesendsupp.c
 POSIX Message Queue and Send Support.
file  mqueuesetattr.c
 Set Message Queue Attributes.
file  mqueuetimedreceive.c
 Receive Message from Message Queue.
file  mqueuetimedsend.c
 Send a Message to a Message Queue.
file  msync.c
file  munlock.c
file  munlockall.c
file  mutexattrdestroy.c
 Destroy Mutex Attributes Object.
file  mutexattrgetprioceiling.c
 Mutex Initialization Scheduling Attributes.
file  mutexattrgetprotocol.c
 Get protocol Attribute of Mutex Attribute Obect.
file  mutexattrgetpshared.c
 Obtaining process-shared Attribute Value from the Attributes Object.
file  mutexattrgettype.c
 Function gets the Mutex Type Attribute.
file  mutexattrinit.c
 Mutex Initialization Attribute.
file  mutexattrsetprioceiling.c
 Mutex Initialization Scheduling Attributes.
file  mutexattrsetprotocol.c
 Mutex Initialization Scheduling Attributes.
file  mutexattrsetpshared.c
 Function sets Current pshared Attribute for Mutex Attributes Object.
file  mutexattrsettype.c
 Set a Mutex Type.
file  mutexdestroy.c
 Initializing and Destroying a Mutex.
file  mutexgetprioceiling.c
 Returns the Current Priority Ceiling of the Mutex.
file  mutexinit.c
 Initialize a Mutex.
file  mutexlock.c
 Call to function enables locking of Mutex Object referenced by mutex.
file  mutexlocksupp.c
 Support Call to function Enables Locking of Mutex Object.
file  mutexsetprioceiling.c
 Changes the Priority Ceiling of a Mutex and Releases it.
file  mutextimedlock.c
 Mutex Timed Lock.
file  mutextrylock.c
 Try to Lock Mutex.
file  mutexunlock.c
 Locking and Unlocking a Mutex.
file  nanosleep.c
 Suspends Execution of calling thread until Time elapses.
file  pause.c
 Suspend Process Execution.
file  pbarrierdestroy.c
 Destroy a Barrier Object.
file  pbarrierinit.c
 Call to Function Enables Reinitializing of the Barrier.
file  pbarrierwait.c
 Wait at a Barrier.
file  posix_madvise.c
file  prwlockdestroy.c
 Destroy a RWLock.
file  prwlockinit.c
 Allocate resources to use the read-write lock and Initialize it.
file  prwlockrdlock.c
 Obtain a Read Lock on a RWLock Instance.
file  prwlocktimedrdlock.c
 Attempt to Obtain a Read Lock on a RWLock Instance.
file  prwlocktimedwrlock.c
 Function applies a Write lock to RWLock referenced by rwlock.
file  prwlocktryrdlock.c
 Attempt to Obtain a Read Lock on a RWLock Instance.
file  prwlocktrywrlock.c
 Attempt to Obtain a Write Lock on a RWLock Instance.
file  prwlockunlock.c
 Function Releases a lock held on RWLock object referenced by rwlock.
file  prwlockwrlock.c
 Obtain a Write Lock on a RWlock Instance.
file  psignal.c
 POSIX Signals Manager Initialization.
file  psignalclearprocesssignals.c
 POSIX_signals clear_process_signals.
file  psignalclearsignals.c
 POSIX Signals Clear Signals.
file  psignalsetprocesssignals.c
 POSIX Signals Set Process Signals.
file  psignalunblockthread.c
 POSIX Signals Thread Unlock.
file  pspindestroy.c
 Destroy a Spinlock.
file  pspininit.c
 POSIX Function Initializes a Spinlock Instance.
file  pspinlock.c
 Wait at a Spinlock.
file  pspinunlock.c
 Function Unlocks a Spin Lock Object.
file  psxnametoid.c
 POSIX Name to ID.
file  psxpriorityisvalid.c
 POSIX Is Priority Valid.
file  psxsemaphore.c
 POSIX Semaphore Information with Zero Objects.
file  psxtimercreate.c
 Create a Per-Process Timer.
file  psxtimerdelete.c
 Deletes a POSIX Interval Timer.
file  psxtransschedparam.c
 Translate sched_param into SuperCore Terms.
file  pthread.c
 Private Support Information for POSIX Threads.
file  pthreadatfork.c
 Register Fork Handlers.
file  pthreadattrdefault.c
 Private Support Information for POSIX Threads.
file  pthreadattrdestroy.c
 Thread Creation Attributes.
file  pthreadattrgetaffinitynp.c
 Pthread Attribute Get Affinity.
file  pthreadattrgetdetachstate.c
 Function gets the detachstate Attribute in the attr Object.
file  pthreadattrgetguardsize.c
 Thread Creation Attributes.
file  pthreadattrgetinheritsched.c
 Thread Creation Scheduling Attributes.
file  pthreadattrgetschedparam.c
 Returns Scheduling Parameter Attributes of Thread Attributes Object.
file  pthreadattrgetschedpolicy.c
 Get The Schedpolicy Attribute.
file  pthreadattrgetscope.c
 Function gets the Contentionscope Attribute in the attr object.
file  pthreadattrgetstack.c
 Function Gets the Thread Creation Stack Attributes in the attr.
file  pthreadattrgetstackaddr.c
 Thread Creation Attributes.
file  pthreadattrgetstacksize.c
 Thread Creation Attributes.
file  pthreadattrinit.c
 Thread Attributes Creation.
file  pthreadattrsetaffinitynp.c
 Pthread Attribute Set Affinity.
file  pthreadattrsetdetachstate.c
 Thread Creation Attributes.
file  pthreadattrsetguardsize.c
 Thread Creation Attributes.
file  pthreadattrsetinheritsched.c
 Function sets the inheritsched Attribute in the attr Argument.
file  pthreadattrsetschedparam.c
 Thread Creation Scheduling Parameters.
file  pthreadattrsetschedpolicy.c
 Sets Scheduling policy Attributes of Thread Attributes Object.
file  pthreadattrsetscope.c
 Function Sets the Contentionscope Attribute in the attr Object.
file  pthreadattrsetstack.c
 Function Sets Thread Creation Stack Attributes in the attr object.
file  pthreadattrsetstackaddr.c
 Sets the Thread Creation stackaddr Attribute in the attr Object.
file  pthreadattrsetstacksize.c
 Sets the Thread Creation Stacksize Attribute in the attr object.
file  pthreadconcurrency.c
 Pthread Get/Set ConcurrencyPer the Open Group specification, when user pthreads are mapped 1:1 onto kernel threads, the implementation simply tracks an internal variable whose initial value is 0. If it is set, subsequent calls to obtain the value return that previously set.
file  pthreadcreate.c
 Function Starts a New Thread in The Calling Process.
file  pthreaddetach.c
 Detaching a Thread.
file  pthreadequal.c
 Compare Thread IDs.
file  pthreadexit.c
 POSIX Thread Exit Shared Helper.
file  pthreadgetaffinitynp.c
 Pthread Get Affinity.
file  pthreadgetattrnp.c
 Pthread Get Attribute.
file  pthreadgetcpuclockid.c
 Returns Clock ID for CPU time clock of the thread.
file  pthreadgetschedparam.c
 Gets Scheduling Policy and Parameters of Individual Threads.
file  pthreadinitthreads.c
 POSIX Threads Initialize User Threads Body.
file  pthreadjoin.c
 Suspends Execution of Calling Thread until Target Thread Terminates.
file  pthreadkill.c
 Sends a signal Asynchronously directed to a thread.
file  pthreadonce.c
 Call to function by Thread will call init_routine with no Arguments.
file  pthreadself.c
 Function returns the ID of the Calling Thread.
file  pthreadsetaffinitynp.c
 Pthread Set Affinity.
file  pthreadsetschedparam.c
 Function sets scheduling policy and parameters of the thread.
file  pthreadsigmask.c
 Examine and/or change the calling thread's signal mask.
file  ptimer.c
 POSIX Timer Information with Zero Objects.
file  rwlockattrdestroy.c
 Function Destroys a read-write lock Attributes object.
file  rwlockattrgetpshared.c
 Get the Process-Shared Attribute of the RWLock.
file  rwlockattrinit.c
 Initialises a RWLock Attributes object attr with the default value.
file  rwlockattrsetpshared.c
 RWLock Attributes Set Process Shared.
file  sched_getparam.c
 Set Scheduling Parameters.
file  sched_getprioritymax.c
 Returns the Appropriate Maximum for Scheduling policy.
file  sched_getprioritymin.c
 Get the Minimum Priority Limit.
file  sched_getscheduler.c
 Function Returns Scheduling Policy of the process specified by pid.
file  sched_rr_get_interval.c
 Limits for Scheduling Parameter.
file  sched_setparam.c
 Sets Scheduling Parameters Associated with Scheduling Policies.
file  sched_setscheduler.c
 Set Scheduling Policy and Scheduling Parameters.
file  sched_yield.c
 Yield Processor.
file  semaphoredeletesupp.c
 POSIX Delete Semaphore.
file  semclose.c
 Close a Named Semaphore.
file  semdestroy.c
 Destroy an Unnamed Semaphore.
file  semgetvalue.c
 Get the Value of a Semaphore.
file  seminit.c
 Initializing of an Unnamed Semaphore.
file  semopen.c
 Function Creates New POSIX semaphore or Opens an existing Semaphore.
file  sempost.c
 Unlock a Semaphore.
file  semtimedwait.c
 Lock a Semaphore.
file  semtrywait.c
 Lock a Semaphore.
file  semwait.c
 Lock a Semaphore.
file  setcancelstate.c
 Setting Cancelability State.
file  setcanceltype.c
 Sets the Cancelability Type of Calling Thread to value given in type.
file  setitimer.c
 Set the Timer.
file  shm.c
 POSIX Shared Memory Information with Zero Objects.
file  shmheap.c
file  shmopen.c
file  shmwkspace.c
file  sigaction.c
 Allows calling process to examine action of a Specific Signal.
file  sigaddset.c
 Function Adds Signal from Set.
file  sigdelset.c
 Deleted Signal from Set.
file  sigemptyset.c
 Manipulate Signal Sets.
file  sigfillset.c
 Manipulate Signal Sets.
file  sigismember.c
 Manipulate Signal Sets.
file  signal_2.c
 POSIX Function Installs signal Handler.
file  sigpending.c
 Examine Pending Signals.
file  sigprocmask.c
 Examine and Change Blocked Signals.
file  sigqueue.c
 Queue a Signal to a Process.
file  sigsuspend.c
 Replacing signal mask with *sigmask and suspending calling process.
file  sigtimedwait.c
 Wait for Queued Signals.
file  sigwait.c
 Synchronously Accept a Signal.
file  sigwaitinfo.c
 Suspends Execution of Calling Thread until Signals in set Delivered.
file  sysconf.c
 Get Configurable System Variables.
file  testcancel.c
 Setting test on Cancelability State.
file  timergetoverrun.c
 Get Overrun Count for a POSIX Per-Process Timer.
file  timergettime.c
 Function Fetches State of POSIX Per-Process Timers.
file  timersettime.c
 Function Arms or Disarms the Timer Identified by timerid.
file  ualarm.c
 Schedule Alarm.
file  vfork.c
 Creates Child process Of The Calling process.
file  wait.c
 Wait for Process to Change State.
file  waitpid.c
 Wait for Process to Change State.