RTEMS 4.9.6 On-Line Library

Building GCC and NEWLIB using RPM

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4.3.4: Building GCC and NEWLIB using RPM

This section illustrates the invocation of RPM to build a new, locally compiled, set of GCC and NEWLIB binary RPMs that match the installed source RPM. It is also necessary to install the BINUTILS RPMs and place them in your PATH. This example assumes that all of the required source is installed.

rpm -bb i386-rtems4.9-gcc-<VERSION>.spec

If the build completes successfully, a set of RPMS like the following will be generated in a build-host architecture specific subdirectory of the RPMS directory under the RPM root directory.

rtems-4.9-gcc-common-<VERSION>-<RPM>.<DIST>.noarch.rpm \
rtems-4.9-newlib-common-<VERSION>-<RPM>.<DIST>.noarch.rpm \
rtems-4.9-i386-rtems4.9-gcc-<VERSION>-<RPM>.<ARCH>.rpm \
rtems-4.9-i386-rtems4.9-newlib-<VERSION>-<RPM>.<ARCH>.rpm \
rtems-4.9-i386-rtems4.9-libgcc-<VERSION>-<RPM>.<ARCH>.rpm \
rtems-4.9-i386-rtems4.9-gcc-c++-<VERSION>-<RPM>.<ARCH>.rpm \

NOTE: Some targets do not support building all languages.

NOTE: It may be necessary to remove the build tree in the BUILD directory under the RPM root directory.

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