RTEMS 4.9.6 On-Line Library

Using RPM to Build Tools

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4.3: Using RPM to Build Tools

  • Building AUTOCONF using RPM
  • Building AUTOMAKE using RPM
  • Building BINUTILS using RPM
  • Building GCC and NEWLIB using RPM
  • Building the GDB using RPM
  • RPM is a packaging format which can be used to distribute binary files as well as to capture the procedure and source code used to produce those binary files. For RPM, it is assumed that the following subdirectories are under a root directory such as /usr/src/redhat or /usr/local/src/redhat) on your machine.


    For the purposes of this document, the RPM SOURCES directory is the directory into which all tool source and patches are assumed to reside. The BUILD directory is where the actual build is performed when building binaries from a source RPM.

    RPM automatically unarchives the source and applies any needed patches so you do NOT have to manually perform the procedures described Unarchiving the Tools and Applying RTEMS Project Tool Patches. But you are responsible for placing all source tarballs and patches in the SOURCES directory per the instructions in Obtain Source and Patches

    This procedure starts by installing the source (e.g. .src.rpm extension) RPMs. The RTEMS tool source RPMS are called "nosrc" to indicate that one or more source files required to produce the RPMs are not present. The RTEMS source RPMs typically include all required patches, but do not include the large .tar.gz or .tgz files for each component such as BINUTILS, GCC, or NEWLIB. These are shared by all RTEMS RPMs regardless of target CPU and there was no reason to duplicate them. You will have to get the required source archive files by hand and place them in the SOURCES directory before attempting to build. If you forget to do this, RPM is smart -- it will tell you what is missing. You can fetch any missing files and try again.

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