RTEMS 4.6.0 On-Line Library

Miscellaneous Support Files set_vector() - Install an Interrupt Vector

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5.9: set_vector() - Install an Interrupt Vector

The set_vector routine is responsible for installing an interrupt vector. It invokes the support routines necessary to install an interrupt handler as either a "raw" or an RTEMS interrupt handler. Raw handlers bypass the RTEMS interrupt structure and are responsible for saving and restoring all their own registers. Raw handlers are useful for handling traps, debug vectors, etc..

The set_vector routine is a central place to perform interrupt controller manipulation and encapsulate that information. It is usually implemented as follows:

rtems_isr_entry set_vector(                     /* returns old vector */
  rtems_isr_entry     handler,                  /* isr routine        */
  rtems_vector_number vector,                   /* vector number      */
  int                 type                      /* RTEMS or RAW intr  */
  if the type is RAW
    install the raw vector
    use rtems_interrupt_catch to install the vector

  perform any interrupt controller necessary to unmask
    the interrupt source

  return the previous handler

NOTE: set_vector is provided by the majority of BSPs but not all. In particular, the i386 BSPs use a different scheme.

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