RTEMS 4.6.0 On-Line Library

Makefiles Source Directory Makefiles

PREV UP NEXT Bookshelf BSP and Device Driver Development Guide

3.1.2: Source Directory Makefiles

There is a Makefile.am in most of the directories in a BSP. This class of Makefile lists the files to be built as part of the driver. When adding new files to an existing directory, Do not forget to add the new files to the list of files to be built in the Makefile.am and run bootstrap.

NOTE: The Makefile.am files are ONLY processed by bootstrap and the resulting Makefile.in files are only processed during the configure process of a RTEMS build. Therefore, when developing a BSP and adding a new file to a Makefile.am, the already generated Makefile will not automatically include the new references unless you configured RTEMS with the --enable-maintainer-mode option. Otherwise, the new file not being be taken into account!

If adding a new directory, be sure to add it to the list of automatically generated files in the BSP's configure.ac script.

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