RTEMS 4.6.0 On-Line Library

Makefiles Makefiles Used During The BSP Building Process

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3.1: Makefiles Used During The BSP Building Process

  • Makefiles Directory Makefiles
  • Makefiles Source Directory Makefiles
  • Makefiles Wrapup Makefile
  • RTEMS uses the GNU automake and GNU autoconf automatic configuration package. Consequently, there are a number of automatically generated files in each directory in the RTEMS source tree. The bootstrap script found in the top level directory of the RTEMS source tree is executed to produce the automatically generated files. That script must be run from a directory with a configure.ac file in it.

    There is a file named Makefile.am in each directory of a BSP. This file is used by automake to produce the file named Makefile.in which is also found in each directory of a BSP. The configure process specializes the Makefile.in files at the time that RTEMS is configured for a specific development host and target. Makefiles are automatically generated from the Makefile.in files. It is necessary for the BSP developer to provide the Makefile.am files and generate the Makefile.in files. Most of the time, it is possible to copy the Makefile.am from another similar directory and edit it.

    The Makefile files generated are processed when configuring and building RTEMS for a given BSP.

    The BSP developer is responsible for generating Makefile.am files which properly build all the files associated with their BSP. There are generally three types of Makefiles in a BSP source tree:

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