RTEMS 4.5.0 On-Line Library

Timer Manager Timers

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8.2.2: Timers

A timer is an RTEMS object which allows the application to schedule operations to occur at specific times in the future. User supplied timer service routines are invoked by the rtems_clock_tick directive when the timer fires. Timer service routines may perform any operations or directives which normally would be performed by the application code which invoked the rtems_clock_tick directive.

The timer can be used to implement watchdog routines which only fire to denote that an application error has occurred. The timer is reset at specific points in the application to insure that the watchdog does not fire. Thus, if the application does not reset the watchdog timer, then the timer service routine will fire to indicate that the application has failed to reach a reset point. This use of a timer is sometimes referred to as a "keep alive" or a "deadman" timer.

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