RTEMS 4.5.0 On-Line Library

User Extensions Manager FATAL Error Extension

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The FATAL error extension is associated with the fatal_error_occurred directive. If this extension is defined in any static or dynamic extension set and the fatal_error_occurred directive has been invoked, then this extension will be called. This extension should have a prototype similar to the following:

procedure User_Fatal_Error (
   Error : in     RTEMS.Unsigned32

where the_error is the error code passed to the fatal_error_occurred directive. This extension is invoked from the fatal_error_occurred directive.

If defined, the user's FATAL error extension is invoked before RTEMS' default fatal error routine is invoked and the processor is stopped. For example, this extension could be used to pass control to a debugger when a fatal error occurs. This extension should not call any RTEMS directives.

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