RTEMS 4.10.0 On-Line Library

Rate Monotonic Manager RATE_MONOTONIC_GET_STATUS - Obtain status from a period

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19.4.6: RATE_MONOTONIC_GET_STATUS - Obtain status from a period


procedure Rate_Monotonic_Get_Status (
   ID      : in     RTEMS.ID;
   Status  :    out RTEMS.Rate_Monotonic_Period_Status;
   Result  :    out RTEMS.Status_Codes


RTEMS.SUCCESSFUL - period initiated successfully
RTEMS.INVALID_ID - invalid rate monotonic period id
RTEMS.INVALID_ADDRESS - invalid address of status


This directive returns status information associated with the rate monotonic period id in the following data record:

type Rate_Monotonic_Period_Status is
      Owner                      : RTEMS.ID;
      State                      : RTEMS.Rate_Monotonic_Period_States;
      Since_Last_Period          : RTEMS.Unsigned32;
      Executed_Since_Last_Period : RTEMS.Unsigned32;
   end record;

A configure time option can be used to select whether the time information is given in ticks or seconds and nanoseconds. The default is seconds and nanoseconds. If the period's state is RATE_MONOTONIC_INACTIVE, both time values will be set to 0. Otherwise, both time values will contain time information since the last invocation of the rtems.rate_monotonic_period directive. More specifically, the (ticks_)since_last_period value contains the elapsed time which has occurred since the last invocation of the rtems.rate_monotonic_period directive and the (ticks_)executed_since_last_period contains how much processor time the owning task has consumed since the invocation of the rtems.rate_monotonic_period directive.


This directive will not cause the running task to be preempted.

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