12. Xilinx MicroBlaze Specific Information

This chapter discusses the dependencies of the MicroBlaze architecture (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MicroBlaze).

Architecture Documents

For information on the MicroBlaze architecture, refer to UG984 MicroBlaze Processor Reference Guide (https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx2021_2/ug984-vivado-microblaze-ref.pdf).

12.1. CPU Model Dependent Features

There are no CPU model dependent features in this port.

12.2. Calling Conventions

Please refer to “Chapter 4: MicroBlaze Application Binary Interface” of UG984 MicroBlaze Processor Reference Guide (https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx2021_2/ug984-vivado-microblaze-ref.pdf).

12.3. Interrupt Processing

Hardware exceptions, interrupts, and user exceptions are all supported. When a hardware exception or user exception occurs, a fatal error will be generated. When an interrupt occurs, the interrupt source is determined by reading the AXI Interrupt Controller’s Interrupt Status Register and masking it with the Interrupt Enable Register.

12.3.1. Interrupt Levels

There are exactly two interrupt levels on MicroBlaze with respect to RTEMS. Level zero corresponds to interrupts disabled. Level one corresponds to interrupts enabled. This is the inverse of how most other architectures handle interrupt enable status.

12.3.2. Interrupt Stack

The memory region for the interrupt stack is defined by the BSP.

12.4. Default Fatal Error Processing

The default fatal error is BSP-specific.

12.5. Symmetric Multiprocessing

SMP is not supported.

12.6. Thread-Local Storage

Thread-local storage is supported.