RTEMS 4.5.1-pre3 On-Line Library

Using configure and make

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NOTE: The procedures described in the following sections must be completed before this step:

This section describes the process of building binutils, gcc, and newlib manually using configure and make directly.

Configuring and Building BINUTILS

The following example illustrates the invocation of configure and make to build and install binutils-2.10 for the sparc-rtems target:

mkdir b-binutils
cd b-binutils
../binutils-2.10/configure --target=sparc-rtems \
make all
make info
make install

After binutils-2.10 is built and installed the build directory b-binutils may be removed.

For more information on the invocation of configure, please refer to the documentation for binutils-2.10 or invoke the binutils-2.10 configure command with the --help option.

Configuring and Building GCC and NEWLIB

Before building gcc-2.95.3 and newlib-1.8.2, binutils-2.10 must be installed and the directory containing those executables must be in your PATH.

The C Library is built as a subordinate component of gcc-2.95.3. Because of this, the newlib-1.8.2 directory source must be available inside the gcc-2.95.3 source tree. This is normally accomplished using a symbolic link as shown in this example:

cd gcc-2.95.3
ln -s ../newlib-1.8.2/newlib .

The following example illustrates the invocation of configure and make to build and install binutils-2.10 for the sparc-rtems target:

mkdir b-gcc
cd b-gcc
../gcc-2.95.3/configure --target=sparc-rtems \
   --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --with-newlib --verbose \
   --enable-threads --prefix=/opt/rtems
make all
make info
make install

After gcc-2.95.3 is built and installed the build directory b-gcc may be removed.

For more information on the invocation of configure, please refer to the documentation for gcc-2.95.3 or invoke the gcc-2.95.3 configure command with the --help option.

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