RTEMS 4.5.1-pre3 On-Line Library


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7.2: The COMMAND_MNGT task

This task is in charge of receiving the SUN RPC messages and executing the associated commands. This task must have an important priority because it must be executed each time a command message comes from the debugger. It must be executed even if one or both exception handlers are executed. But the COMMAND MANAGEMENT task must not block the TCP/IP module without which no message can be received.

When not executing a command, this task is waiting for a SUN RPC message on the primary port. This idle state blocks the task, so the other active tasks can run. Once a message comes from Ethernet via the primary port, the COMMAND MANAGEMENT task wakes up and receives the message which is a request from GDB. This request is sent to the SUN RPC server code which extracts the command and its arguments, executes it and, if needed, sends a result to GDB. After having performed these actions, the task sleeps, waiting for another message.

A particular case is the reception of the ATTACH command : in this case the COMMAND_MNGT task creates the EVENT_MNGT task described below before going to wait on UDP socket again.

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