RTEMS 4.5.1-pre3 On-Line Library

User Extensions Manager TASK_EXITTED Extension

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The TASK_EXITTED extension is invoked when a task exits the body of the starting procedure by either an implicit or explicit return statement. This user extension have a prototype similar to the following:

rtems_extension user_task_exitted(
  rtems_tcb *current_task

where current_task can be used to access the TCB for the currently executing task which has just exitted.

Although exiting of task is often considered to be a fatal error, this extension allows recovery by either restarting or deleting the exiting task. If the user does not wish to recover, then a fatal error may be reported. If the user does not provide a TASK_EXITTED extension or the provided handler returns control to RTEMS, then the RTEMS default handler will be used. This default handler invokes the directive fatal_error_occurred with the RTEMS_TASK_EXITTED directive status.

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