RTEMS 4.5.1-pre3 On-Line Library

Rate Monotonic Manager RATE_MONOTONIC_GET_STATUS - Obtain status information on period

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19.4.6: RATE_MONOTONIC_GET_STATUS - Obtain status information on period


rtems_status_code rtems_rate_monotonic_get_status(
  rtems_id                            id,
  rtems_rate_monotonic_period_status *status


RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL - period initiated successfully
RTEMS_INVALID_ID - invalid rate monotonic period id
RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS - invalid address of status


This directive returns status information associated with the rate monotonic period id in the following data structure:

typedef struct {
  rtems_rate_monotonic_period_states  state;
  rtems_unsigned32                    ticks_since_last_period;
  rtems_unsigned32                    ticks_executed_since_last_period;
}  rtems_rate_monotonic_period_status;

If the period's state is RATE_MONOTONIC_INACTIVE, both ticks_since_last_period and ticks_executed_since_last_period will be set to 0. Otherwise, ticks_since_last_period will contain the number of clock ticks which have occurred since the last invocation of the rtems_rate_monotonic_period directive. Also in this case, the ticks_executed_since_last_period will indicate how much processor time the owning task has consumed since the invocation of the rtems_rate_monotonic_period directive.


This directive will not cause the running task to be preempted.

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