RTEMS  5.0.0
qsm.h File Reference

Motorola M68K Queued Serial Module. More...

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#define SAM(a, b, c)   ((a << b) & c)
#define QSM_CRB   0x7ffc00
#define QSMCR   (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x00 + QSM_CRB)
#define STOP   0x8000 /* Stop Enable */
#define FRZ   0x6000 /* Freeze Control */
#define SUPV   0x0080 /* Supervisor/Unrestricted */
#define IARB   0x000f /* Inerrupt Arbitration */
#define QTEST   (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x02 + QSM_CRB)
#define QILR   (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x04 + QSM_CRB)
#define ILQSPI   0x38 /* Interrupt Level for QSPI */
#define ILSCI   0x07 /* Interrupt Level for SCI */
#define QIVR   (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x05 + QSM_CRB)
#define INTV   0xff /* Interrupt Vector Number */
#define SCCR0   (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x08 + QSM_CRB)
#define SCBR   0x1fff /* SCI Baud Rate */
#define SCCR1   (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x0a + QSM_CRB)
#define LOOPS   0x4000 /* Loop Mode */
#define WOMS   0x2000 /* Wired-OR Mode for SCI Pins */
#define ILT   0x1000 /* Idle-Line Detect Type */
#define PT   0x0800 /* Parity Type */
#define PE   0x0400 /* Parity Enable */
#define M   0x0200 /* Mode Select */
#define WAKE   0x0100 /* Wakeup by Address Mark */
#define TIE   0x0080 /* Transmit Complete Interrupt Enable */
#define TCIE   0x0040 /* Transmit Complete Interrupt Enable */
#define RIE   0x0020 /* Receiver Interrupt Enable */
#define ILIE   0x0010 /* Idle-Line Interrupt Enable */
#define TE   0x0008 /* Transmitter Enable */
#define RE   0x0004 /* Receiver Enable */
#define RWU   0x0002 /* Receiver Wakeup */
#define SBK   0x0001 /* Send Break */
#define SCSR   (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x0c + QSM_CRB)
#define TDRE   0x0100 /* Transmit Data Register Empty */
#define TC   0x0080 /* Transmit Complete */
#define RDRF   0x0040 /* Receive Data Register Full */
#define RAF   0x0020 /* Receiver Active */
#define IDLE   0x0010 /* Idle-Line Detected */
#define OR   0x0008 /* Overrun Error */
#define NF   0x0004 /* Noise Error Flag */
#define FE   0x0002 /* Framing Error */
#define PF   0x0001 /* Parity Error */
#define SCDR   (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x0e + QSM_CRB)
#define PORTQS   (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x15 + QSM_CRB)
#define PQSPAR   (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x16 + QSM_CRB)
#define QSMFun   0x0
#define QSMDis   0x1
#define PQSPA0   0 /* MISO | PQS0 */
#define PQSPA1   1 /* MOSI | PQS1 */
#define PQSPA2   2 /* SCK | PQS2 (see note)*/
#define PQSPA3   3 /* PCSO/!SS | PQS3 */
#define PQSPA4   4 /* PCS1 | PQS4 */
#define PQSPA5   5 /* PCS2 | PQS5 */
#define PQSPA6   6 /* PCS3 | PQS6 */
#define PQSPA7   7 /* TxD | PQS7 (see note)*/
#define DDRQS   (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x17 + QSM_CRB)
#define SPCR0   (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x18 + QSM_CRB)
#define MSTR   0x8000 /* Master/Slave Mode Select */
#define WOMQ   0x4000 /* Wired-OR Mode for QSPI Pins */
#define BITS   0x3c00 /* Bits Per Transfer */
#define CPOL   0x0200 /* Clock Polarity */
#define CPHA   0x0100 /* Clock Phase */
#define SPBR   0x00ff /* Serial Clock Baud Rate */
#define SPCR1   (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x1a + QSM_CRB)
#define SPE   0x8000 /* QSPI Enable */
#define DSCKL   0x7f00 /* Delay before SCK */
#define DTL   0x00ff /* Length of Delay after Transfer */
#define SPCR2   (volatile unsigned short int * const)(0x1c + QSM_CRB)
#define SPIFIE   0x8000 /* SPI Finished Interrupt Enable */
#define WREN   0x4000 /* Wrap Enable */
#define WRTO   0x2000 /* Wrap To */
#define ENDQP   0x0f00 /* Ending Queue Pointer */
#define NEWQP   0x000f /* New Queue Pointer Value */
#define SPCR3   (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x1e + QSM_CRB)
#define LOOPQ   0x0400 /* QSPI Loop Mode */
#define HMIE   0x0200 /* HALTA and MODF Interrupt Enable */
#define HALT   0x0100 /* Halt */
#define SPSR   (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x1f + QSM_CRB)
#define SPIF   0x0080 /* QSPI Finished Flag */
#define MODF   0x0040 /* Mode Fault Flag */
#define HALTA   0x0020 /* Halt Acknowlwdge Flag */
#define CPTQP   x0000f /* Completed Queue Pointer */
#define QSPIRR   (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x100 + QSM_CRB)
#define QSPITR   (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x120 + QSM_CRB)
#define QSPIcR   (volatile unsigned char * const)(0x140 + QSM_CRB)

Detailed Description

Motorola M68K Queued Serial Module.

The QSM contains two serial interfaces: (a) the queued serial peripheral interface (QSPI) and the serial communication interface (SCI). The QSPI provides peripheral expansion and/or interprocessor communication through a full-duplex, synchronous, three-wire bus. A self contained RAM queue permits serial data transfers without CPU intervention and automatic continuous sampling. The SCI provides a standard non-return to zero mark/space format with wakeup functions to allow the CPU to run uninterrupted until woken

For more information, refer to Motorola's "Modular Microcontroller Family Queued Serial Module Reference Manual" (Motorola document QSMRM/AD).