RTEMS  5.0.0


 MCI Driver Data Structs
 MCI Driver Defines
 MCI Driver Functions
 Working with HSMCI

Detailed Description


This driver implements SD(IO)/MMC command operations and MCI configuration routines to perform SD(IO)/MMC access. It's used for upper layer (SD/MMC driver) to perform SD/MMC operations.


  1. MCID_Init(): Initializes a MCI driver instance and the underlying peripheral.
  2. MCID_SendCmd(): Starts a MCI transfer which described by sSdmmcCommand.
  3. MCID_CancelCmd(): Cancel a pending command.
  4. MCID_IsCmdCompleted(): Check if MCI transfer is finished.
  5. MCID_Handler(): Interrupt handler which is called by ISR handler.
  6. MCID_IOCtrl(): IO control function to report HW attributes to upper layer driver and modify HW settings (such as clock frequency, High-speed support, etc. See sdmmc_ioctrls).
See also
DMA Driver, HSMCI, SD/MMC Library

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