RTEMS 4.9.6 On-Line Library

C/C++ Sample Applications

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6.3: C/C++ Sample Applications

The C/C++ sample application set includes a number of simple applications. Some demonstrate some basic functionality in RTEMS such as writing a file, closing it, and reading it back while others can serve as starting points for RTEMS applications or libraries. Start by unarchiving them so you can peruse them. Use a command similar to the following to unarchive the sample applications:

cd tools
tar xjf ../archive/examples-v2-4.9.<VERSION>.tgz

Each tests is found in a separate subdirectory and built using the same command sequence. The hello/hello_world_c sample will be used as an example.

Build the C Hello World Application

Use the following command to start the build of the sample hello world application:

cd hello_world_c

If the sample application has successfully been built, then the application executable is placed in the following directory:


The other sample applications are built using a similar procedure.

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