RTEMS 4.9.6 On-Line Library

Obtain the RTEMS Source Code

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5.1: Obtain the RTEMS Source Code

This section provides pointers to the RTEMS source code and example programs. These files should be placed in your archive directory. The set of tarballs which comprise an RTEMS release is placed in a directory whose name if the release on the ftp site. The RTEMS ftp site is accessible via both the ftp and http protocols at the following URLs:

Associated with each RTEMS Release is a set of example programs. Prior to the 4.10 Release Series, these examples were in a "Class Examples" and an "Examples" collection. Beginning with the 4.10 Release Series, these examples collections were merged and other examples added. This new collection is called "Examples V2". It is contained in the file examples-v2-<VERSION>.tar.bz2> within the RTEMS release directory.

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