RTEMS 4.9.6 On-Line Library

GNU/Linux Distrobutions using Debian Packaging Format

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2.3.3: GNU/Linux Distrobutions using Debian Packaging Format

The RTEMS Project does not currently provide prebuilt toolsets in the Debian packaging format used by the Debian and Ubuntu distributions. If you are using a distribution using this packaging format, then you have two options for installing the RTEMS toolset.

The first option is to build the toolset from source following the instructions in the Building the GNU Cross Compiler Toolset. This is an approach taken by many users.

Alternatively, it is often possible to extract the contents of the RPM files which contain the portions of the toolset you require. In this case, you will follow the instructions in Locating the RPMs for your GNU/Linux Distribution but assume your distribution is the RedHat Enterprise Linux version which is closest to yours from a shared library perspective. As of December 2010, this is usually RedHat Enterprise Linux version 5. As time passes, it is expected that version 6 will be appropriate in more cases. You will extract the contents of these RPM files using either rpm2cpio and install them or you may be able to use the alien tool to convert them to Debian packaging.

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