RTEMS 4.9.6 On-Line Library

Object Services OBJECT_SET_NAME - Set object name

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27.4.4: OBJECT_SET_NAME - Set object name


procedure Object_Set_Name(
   ID     : in     RTEMS.ID;
   Name   : in     String;
   Result :    out RTEMS.Status_Codes


RTEMS.SUCCESSFUL - name looked up successfully
RTEMS.INVALID_ADDRESS - invalid name pointer
RTEMS.INVALID_ID - invalid object id


This service sets the name of id to that specified by the string located at name.


This directive is strictly local and does not impact task scheduling.

If the object specified by id is of a class that has a string name, this method will free the existing name to the RTEMS Workspace and allocate enough memory from the RTEMS Workspace to make a copy of the string located at name.

If the object specified by id is of a class that has a thirty-two bit integer style name, then the first four characters in *name will be used to construct the name. name to the RTEMS Workspace and allocate enough memory from the RTEMS Workspace to make a copy of the string

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