RTEMS 4.9.5 On-Line Library

Ada Sample Applications

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6.4: Ada Sample Applications

The Ada sample application set primarily includes a a simple Hello World Ada program which can be used as a starting point for GNAT/RTEMS applications. Use the following command to unarchive the Ada sample applications:

cd tools
tar xjf ../archive/ada-examples-4.9.<VERSION>.tgz

Create a BSP Specific Makefile

Currently, the procedure for building and linking an Ada application is a bit more difficult than a C or C++ application. This is certainly an opportunity for a volunteer project.

If your BSP requires special arguments when linking, you may have to augment the file ada-examples-4.9.<VERSION>/Makefile.shared. Most RTEMS BSPs do not require special linking arguments so this should not be frequently needed.

Use the <INSTALLATION_POINT> and <BOARD_SUPPORT_PACKAGE> specified when configuring and installing RTEMS.

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