RTEMS 4.9.4 On-Line Library

Using the RTEMS configure Script Directly

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4.5.1: Using the RTEMS configure Script Directly

Make a build directory under tools and build the RTEMS product in this directory. The ../rtems-DATE/configure command has numerous command line arguments. These arguments are discussed in detail in documentation that comes with the RTEMS distribution. A full list of these arguments can be obtained by running ../rtems-DATE/configure --help If you followed the procedure described in the section Unarchive the RTEMS Source, these configuration options can be found in the file tools/rtems-DATE/README.configure.

NOTE: The GNAT/RTEMS run-time implementation is based on the POSIX API. Thus the RTEMS configuration for a GNAT/RTEMS environment MUST include the --enable-posix flag.

The following shows the command sequence required to configure, compile, and install RTEMS with the POSIX API, FreeBSD TCP/IP, and C++ support disabled. RTEMS will be built to target the BOARD_SUPPORT_PACKAGE board.

mkdir build-rtems
cd build-rtems
../rtems-DATE/configure --target=<TARGET_CONFIGURATION> \
    --disable-posix --disable-networking --disable-cxx \
make all install

Where the list of currently supported <TARGET_CONFIGURATION>'s and <BOARD_SUPPORT_PACKAGE>'s can be found in tools/rtems-DATE/README.configure.

<INSTALL_POINT> is typically the installation point for the tools and defaults to /opt/rtems-4.9.

BSP is a supported BSP for the selected CPU family. The list of supported BSPs may be found in the file tools/rtems-DATE/README.configure in the RTEMS source tree. If the BSP parameter is not specified, then all supported BSPs for the selected CPU family will be built.

NOTE: The POSIX API must be enabled to use GNAT/RTEMS.

NOTE: The make utility used should be GNU make.

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