RTEMS 4.9.4 On-Line Library

Task Manager Suspending and Resuming Tasks

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5.3.4: Suspending and Resuming Tasks

The rtems.task_suspend directive is used to place either the caller or another task into a suspended state. The task remains suspended until a rtems.task_resume directive is issued. This implies that a task may be suspended as well as blocked waiting either to acquire a resource or for the expiration of a timer.

The rtems.task_resume directive is used to remove another task from the suspended state. If the task is not also blocked, resuming it will place it in the ready state, allowing it to once again compete for the processor and resources. If the task was blocked as well as suspended, this directive clears the suspension and leaves the task in the blocked state.

Suspending a task which is already suspended or resuming a task which is not suspended is considered an error. The rtems.task_is_suspended can be used to determine if a task is currently suspended.

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