The INITIALIZATION component of the user-provided
MPCI layer is called as part of the rtems.initialize_executive
directive to initialize the MPCI layer and associated hardware.
It is invoked immediately after all of the device drivers have
been initialized. This component should be adhere to the
following prototype:
procedure User_MPCI_Initialization ( Configuration : in RTEMS.Configuration_Table_Pointer );
where configuration is the address of the user's Configuration Table. Operations on global objects cannot be performed until this component is invoked. The INITIALIZATION component is invoked only once in the life of any system. If the MPCI layer cannot be successfully initialized, the fatal error manager should be invoked by this routine.
One of the primary functions of the MPCI layer is to provide the executive with packet buffers. The INITIALIZATION routine must create and initialize a pool of packet buffers. There must be enough packet buffers so RTEMS can obtain one whenever needed.
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