We will identify here possible requirements for the type of debug that may be
provided :
We want to use GDB as the front-end debugger,
We want to support at least Intel and PowerPC as target processor architecture,
We want to use the GDB thread debugging interface,
We want to be able to debug a remote target over a serial line,
We want to be able to debug a remote target over Ethernet,
The set of target code path we will be able to debug using RGDBSD must
be clearly identified. It will be called Debug Path Set (DPS) in the
remaining of this document,
DPS must include the RTEMS core executive itself,
DPS must include the FreeBSD stack,
DPS must include anything but the FreeBSD stack and the RTEMS
core executive,
We want to enable several persons to debug different parts of the code
running on the target,
As much as possible the system must be frozen during a debug session
so that debugging a particular portion of code does not prevent another part
from functioning,