RTEMS 4.6.0 On-Line Library

Initialization Code Interrupt Vector Table on the gen68340 BSP

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7.4.1: Interrupt Vector Table on the gen68340 BSP

The gen68340 BSP provides a default Interrupt Vector Table in the file $BSP_ROOT/start340/start340.s. After the entry label is the definition of space reserved for the table of interrupts vectors. This space is assigned the symbolic name of __uhoh in the gen68340 BSP.

At __uhoh label is the default interrupt handler routine. This routine is only called when an unexpected interrupts is raised. One can add their own routine there (in that case there's a call to a routine - $BSP_ROOT/startup/dumpanic.c - that prints which address caused the interrupt and the contents of the registers, stack, etc.), but this should not return.

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