RTEMS 4.6.0 On-Line Library

Clock Manager CLOCK_GET - Get system date and time information

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7.4.2: CLOCK_GET - Get system date and time information


procedure Clock_Get (
   Option      : in     RTEMS.Clock_Get_Options;
   Time_Buffer : in     RTEMS.Address;
   Result      :    out RTEMS.Status_Codes


RTEMS.SUCCESSFUL - current time obtained successfully
RTEMS.NOT_DEFINED - system date and time is not set


This directive obtains the system date and time. If the caller is attempting to obtain the date and time (i.e. option is set to either RTEMS.CLOCK_GET_SECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH, RTEMS.CLOCK_GET_TOD, or RTEMS.CLOCK_GET_TIME_VALUE) and the date and time has not been set with a previous call to rtems.clock_set, then the RTEMS.NOT_DEFINED status code is returned. The caller can always obtain the number of ticks per second (option is RTEMS.CLOCK_GET_TICKS_PER_SECOND) and the number of ticks since the executive was initialized option is RTEMS.CLOCK_GET_TICKS_SINCE_BOOT).

The option argument may taken on any value of the enumerated type rtems_clock_get_options. The data type expected for time_buffer is based on the value of option as indicated below:


This directive is callable from an ISR.

This directive will not cause the running task to be preempted. Re-initializing RTEMS causes the system date and time to be reset to an uninitialized state. Another call to rtems.clock_set is required to re-initialize the system date and time to application specific specifications.

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