RTEMS 4.6.0 On-Line Library

Task Manager TASK_IDENT - Get ID of a task

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5.4.2: TASK_IDENT - Get ID of a task


procedure Task_Ident (
   Name   : in     RTEMS.Name;
   Node   : in     RTEMS.Node;
   ID     :    out RTEMS.ID;
   Result :    out RTEMS.Status_Codes


RTEMS.SUCCESSFUL - task identified successfully
RTEMS.INVALID_NAME - invalid task name
RTEMS.INVALID_NODE - invalid node id


This directive obtains the task id associated with the task name specified in name. A task may obtain its own id by specifying RTEMS.SELF or its own task name in name. If the task name is not unique, then the task id returned will match one of the tasks with that name. However, this task id is not guaranteed to correspond to the desired task. The task id, returned in id, is used in other task related directives to access the task.


This directive will not cause the running task to be preempted.

If node is RTEMS.SEARCH_ALL_NODES, all nodes are searched with the local node being searched first. All other nodes are searched with the lowest numbered node searched first.

If node is a valid node number which does not represent the local node, then only the tasks exported by the designated node are searched.

This directive does not generate activity on remote nodes. It accesses only the local copy of the global object table.

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