RTEMS 4.5.0 On-Line Library

Interrupt Processing Vectoring of Interrupt Handler

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4.3: Vectoring of Interrupt Handler

Upon receipt of an interrupt the SPARC automatically performs the following actions:

Trap processing on the SPARC has two features which are noticeably different than interrupt processing on other architectures. First, the value of psr register in effect immediately before the trap occurred is not explicitly saved. Instead only reversible alterations are made to it. Second, the Processor Interrupt Level (pil) is not set to correspond to that of the interrupt being processed. When a trap occurs, ALL subsequent traps are disabled. In order to safely invoke a subroutine during trap handling, traps must be enabled to allow for the possibility of register window overflow and underflow traps.

If the interrupt handler was installed as an RTEMS interrupt handler, then upon receipt of the interrupt, the processor passes control to the RTEMS interrupt handler which performs the following actions:

Asynchronous interrupts are ignored while traps are disabled. Synchronous traps which occur while traps are disabled result in the CPU being forced into an error mode.

A nested interrupt is processed similarly with the exception that the current stack need not be switched to the interrupt stack.

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