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Interrupt Processing Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Exceptions

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4.2: Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Exceptions

In the PowerPC architecture exceptions can be either precise or imprecise and either synchronous or asynchronous. Asynchronous exceptions occur when an external event interrupts the processor. Synchronous exceptions are caused by the actions of an instruction. During an exception SRR0 is used to calculate where instruction processing should resume. All instructions prior to the resume instruction will have completed execution. SRR1 is used to store the machine status.

There are two asynchronous nonmaskable, highest-priority exceptions system reset and machine check. There are two asynchrononous maskable low-priority exceptions external interrupt and decrementer. Nonmaskable execptions are never delayed, therefore if two nonmaskable, asynchronous exceptions occur in immediate succession, the state information saved by the first exception may be overwritten when the subsequent exception occurs.

The PowerPC arcitecure defines one imprecise exception, the imprecise floating point enabled exception. All other synchronous exceptions are precise. The synchronization occuring during asynchronous precise exceptions conforms to the requirements for context synchronization.

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