RTEMS 4.5.0 On-Line Library

Memory Requirements RTEMS RAM Workspace Worksheet

PREV UP NEXT Bookshelf RTEMS Hewlett Packard PA-RISC Applications Supplement

8.5: RTEMS RAM Workspace Worksheet

The RTEMS RAM Workspace Worksheet is a tool provided to aid the RTEMS application designer to accurately calculate the minimum memory block to be reserved for RTEMS use. This worksheet provides equations for calculating the amount of memory required based upon the number of objects configured, whether for single or multiple processor versions of the executive. This information is presented in tabular form, along with the fixed system requirements, allowing for quick calculation of any application defined configuration of RTEMS. The RTEMS RAM Workspace Worksheet is provided below:

RTEMS RAM Workspace Worksheet

Description Equation Bytes Required
maximum_tasks * 159 =
maximum_timers * 160 =
maximum_semaphores * 161 =
maximum_message_queues * 162 =
maximum_regions * 163 =
maximum_partitions * 164 =
maximum_ports * 165 =
maximum_periods * 166 =
maximum_extensions * 167 =
Floating Point Tasks * 168 =
Task Stacks
Total Single Processor Requirements
Description Equation Bytes Required
maximum_nodes * 169 =
maximum_global_objects * 170 =
maximum_proxies * 171 =
Total Multiprocessing Requirements
Fixed System Requirements x,172
Total Single Processor Requirements
Total Multiprocessing Requirements
Minimum Bytes for RTEMS Workspace

PREV UP NEXT Bookshelf RTEMS Hewlett Packard PA-RISC Applications Supplement

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