RTEMS 4.5.0 On-Line Library

Open Issues

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7.7: Open Issues

Here are some problems we have faced while implementing our prototype :

[Protected ReadMem/WriteMem (I1)]:
A GDB user can request to see the content of a corrupted pointer. The request PEEK_DATA will be performed by the COMMAND_MNGT task. It shall not enter the default exception handler set by RGDBSD or it will cause a dead lock in the RGDBSD code. Replacing the default exception vector before calling readMem/writeMem can be temporarily sufficient but :
[ATTACH Command Implementation (I2)]:
After the target rtems symbolic_ip_target_name command, the normal operation is to issue an attach lid command where lid represents a valid execution context. For Unix this is a process id, for other multi-tasking system this is the id of a thread. After the attach command, GDB expects to be waken up in the same manner as it is for normal events. Once waken up it expects to have a complete register context available and also that the target task is in a stopped state and that it can restart it using the regular CONTINUE command. In RTEMS there is a way to get force a thread to become inactive via rtems_task_suspend but no way to get the full registers set for the thread. A partial context can be retrieved from the task Registers data structure. On the other hand, relying on rtems_task_suspend will be a problem for the nano-kernel implementation.
[Stopping Target System (I3)]:
Allthough it might not be obvious, most of the actions made by a GDB user assume the target is not running. If you modify a variable via the set variable = value command you expect that the value is the one you have put when restarting. If a still running task modifies the same value in the mean time, this may be false. On the other hand, stopping all the tasks on the target system impose to have a very deep knowledge of the system. Using an interrupt driven RGDBSD, may facilitate the implementation on the nano-kernel.
[Getting Tasks Contexts (I4)]:
As previously mentionned there is no way to get tasks execution contexts via the RTEMS API. This is needed when debugging for example via this classical sequence :
  1. (gdb) target rtems symbolic_ip_target_name
  2. (gdb) info threads <= get a thread list on screen
  3. (gdb) attach thread_id <= thread_id is one of the thread in the list
  4. (gdb) b a_function_of_interest
  5. (gdb) continue
  6. (gdb) backtrace <= print the call stack on the screen once we have hit the breakpoint
  7. (gdb) thread target another_thread_li <= change implicit current thread value for gdb commands
  8. (gdb) backtrace <= should print the backtrace for the chosen thread
In our execution model, we have a valid context only for the threads that hits the breakpoint as it has been pushed by the exception handler code. The other thread is still running and during the various RPC requesting memory access, it even changes as the COMMAND_MNGT thread is going to sleep. So the backtrace command will fail. We must find a way to make this work as it is very usefull when debugging multi-threaded programs,
[Backtrace Stop convention (I5)]:
The backtrace command on RTEMS task does not gracefully terminate as GDB does not find some backtrace termination condition it expects.

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