RTEMS 4.5.0 On-Line Library


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7.4: The DEBUG EXCEPTION handler

This handler is connected to the DEBUG exception (INT 1 on Intel ix86). This exception is entered when :

These events will be treated by the debugger because they are the primary event used when debugging a software for instruction stepping. In both cases, the DEBUG EXCEPTION handler code is executed. Please note that the execution context of the exception handler is the supervisor stack of the task that generated the exception. This implies: First the exception handler wakeup the EVENT_MNGT task. Then it will cause the faulting thread to sleep on a synchronization object. As soon as GDB receives the event notifying that the debuggee status has changed, it will start sending requests to get the debuggee status (registers set, faulty task id, ...). These requests are handled by the COMMAND MANAGEMENT task. When this task receive a PTRACE_CONT command it will resume the execution of the task that caused the exception by doing a V on the synchronization object.

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