RTEMS 4.5.0 On-Line Library


PREV UP NEXT Bookshelf RTEMS Filesystem Design Guide IMFS_mount()

Corresponding Structure Element:



rtems_filesystem_mount_table_entry_t   *mt_entry




This routine provides the filesystem specific processing required to mount a filesystem for the system that contains the mount point. It will determine if the point that we are trying to mount onto is a node of IMFS_DIRECTORY type.

If it is the node's info element is altered so that the info.directory.mt_fs element points to the mount table chain entry that is associated with the mounted filesystem at this point. The info.directory.mt_fs element can be examined to determine if a filesystem is mounted at a directory. If it is NULL, the directory does not serve as a mount point. A non-NULL entry indicates that the directory does serve as a mount point and the value of info.directory.mt_fs can be used to locate the mount table chain entry that describes the filesystem mounted at this point.

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