RTEMS 4.5.0 On-Line Library

IMFS Per Node Data Structure

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6.1: IMFS Per Node Data Structure

Each regular file, device, hard link, and directory is represented by a data structure called a jnode. The jnode is formally represented by the structure:

struct IMFS_jnode_tt {
  Chain_Node          Node;             /* for chaining them together */
  IMFS_jnode_t       *Parent;           /* Parent node */
  char                name[NAME_MAX+1]; /* "basename" */
  mode_t              st_mode;          /* File mode */
  nlink_t             st_nlink;         /* Link count */
  ino_t               st_ino;           /* inode */

  uid_t               st_uid;           /* User ID of owner */
  gid_t               st_gid;           /* Group ID of owner */
  time_t              st_atime;         /* Time of last access */
  time_t              st_mtime;         /* Time of last modification */
  time_t              st_ctime;         /* Time of last status change */
  IMFS_jnode_types_t  type;             /* Type of this entry */
  IMFS_typs_union     info;

The key elements of this structure are listed below together with a brief explanation of their role in the filesystem.

exists to allow the entire jnode structure to be included in a chain.
is a pointer to another jnode structure that is the logical parent of the node in which it appears. This field may be NULL if the file associated with this node is deleted but there are open file descriptors on this file or there are still hard links to this node.
is the name of this node within the filesystem hierarchical tree. Example: If the fully qualified pathname to the jnode was /a/b/c, the jnode name field would contain the null terminated string "c".
is the standard Unix access permissions for the file or directory.
is the number of hard links to this file. When a jnode is first created its link count is set to 1. A jnode and its associated resources cannot be deleted unless its link count is less than 1.
is a unique node identification number
is the user ID of the file's owner
is the group ID of the file's owner
is the time of the last access to this file
is the time of the last modification of this file
is the time of the last status change to the file
is the indication of node type must be one of the following states:
is this contains a structure that is unique to file type (See IMFS_typs_union in imfs.h).

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