RTEMS 4.5.0 On-Line Library

Multiprocessing Manager Global Object Table

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23.2.3: Global Object Table

RTEMS maintains two tables containing object information on every node in a multiprocessor system: a local object table and a global object table. The local object table on each node is unique and contains information for all objects created on this node whether those objects are local or global. The global object table contains information regarding all global objects in the system and, consequently, is the same on every node.

Since each node must maintain an identical copy of the global object table, the maximum number of entries in each copy of the table must be the same. The maximum number of entries in each copy is determined by the maximum_global_objects parameter in the Multiprocessor Configuration Table. This parameter, as well as the maximum_nodes parameter, is required to be the same on all nodes. To maintain consistency among the table copies, every node in the system must be informed of the creation or deletion of a global object.

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