RTEMS 4.5.0 On-Line Library

Clock Manager CLOCK_SET - Set system date and time

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7.4.1: CLOCK_SET - Set system date and time


procedure Clock_Set (
   Time_Buffer : in     RTEMS.Time_Of_Day;
   Result      :    out RTEMS.Status_Codes


RTEMS.SUCCESSFUL - date and time set successfully
RTEMS.INVALID_TIME_OF_DAY - invalid time of day


This directive sets the system date and time. The date, time, and ticks in the time_buffer record are all range-checked, and an error is returned if any one is out of its valid range.


Years before 1988 are invalid.

The system date and time are based on the configured tick rate (number of microseconds in a tick).

Setting the time forward may cause a higher priority task, blocked waiting on a specific time, to be made ready. In this case, the calling task will be preempted after the next clock tick.

Re-initializing RTEMS causes the system date and time to be reset to an uninitialized state. Another call to rtems.clock_set is required to re-initialize the system date and time to application specific specifications.

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