RTEMS 4.5.0 On-Line Library

Task Manager TASK_WAKE_AFTER - Wake up after interval

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5.4.13: TASK_WAKE_AFTER - Wake up after interval


procedure Task_Wake_After (
   Ticks  : in     RTEMS.Interval;
   Result :    out RTEMS.Status_Codes


RTEMS.SUCCESSFUL - always successful


This directive blocks the calling task for the specified number of system clock ticks. When the requested interval has elapsed, the task is made ready. The rtems.clock_tick directive automatically updates the delay period.


Setting the system date and time with the rtems.clock_set directive has no effect on a rtems.task_wake_after blocked task.

A task may give up the processor and remain in the ready state by specifying a value of RTEMS.YIELD_PROCESSOR in ticks.

The maximum timer interval that can be specified is the maximum value which can be represented by the rtems_unsigned32 type.

A clock tick is required to support the functionality of this directive.

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