RTEMS 4.10.2 On-Line Library

Fixed Block Manager rel_blf - Release Fixed-Size Memory Block

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10.4.6: rel_blf - Release Fixed-Size Memory Block


ER rel_blf(
  ID mpfid,
  VP blf


E_OK - Normal Completion

E_ID - Invalid ID number (mpfid was invalid or could not be used)

E_NOEXS - Object does not exist (the memorypool specified by mpfid does not exist)

E_OACV - Object access violation (A mpfid less than -4 was specified from a user task. This is implementation dependent.)

E_PAR - Parameter error (blf is invalid or an attempt was made to return the memory block to the wrong memorypool)


This system call releases the memory block specified by blf and returns it to the fixed-size memorypool specified by mpfid. Executing rel_blf allows memory to be allocated to the next task waiting for memory allocation from the memorypool given by mpfid, thus releasing that task from its WAIT state.


The fixed-size memorypool to which the memory block is returned must be the same memorypool from which it was originally allocated. An E_PAR error will result if an attempt is made to return a memory block to another memorypool than that from which it was originally allocated.

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