RTEMS 4.10.2 On-Line Library

Eventflags Manager T_RFLG Structure

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4.2.3: T_RFLG Structure

The T_RFLG structire is used to define the characteristics of an eventflag and passed as an argument to the ref_flg service. The structure is defined as follows:

/* Reference Eventflags (ref_flg) Structure */
typedef struct t_rflg {
 VP       exinf;  /* extended information */
 BOOL_ID  wtsk;   /* indicates whether or not there is a waiting task */
 UINT     flgptn; /* eventflag bit pattern */
 /* additional implementation dependent information may be included */
see T_CFLG.
indicates whether or not there is a task waiting for the eventflag in question. If there is no waiting task, wtsk is returned as FALSE = 0. If there is a waiting task, wtsk is returned as a value other than 0.
is the eventflag pattern.

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