RTEMS 4.10.2 On-Line Library

M68xxx and Coldfire Specific Information Models With Separate Interrupt Stacks

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Upon receipt of an interrupt the MC68xxx family members with separate interrupt stacks automatically perform the following actions:

A nested interrupt is processed similarly by these CPU models with the exception that only a single ISF is placed on the interrupt stack and the current stack need not be switched.

The FVO word in the Interrupt Stack Frame is examined by RTEMS to determine when an outer most interrupt is being exited. Since the FVO is used by RTEMS for this purpose, the user application code MUST NOT modify this field.

The following shows the Interrupt Stack Frame for MC68xxx CPU models with separate interrupt stacks:

Status Register 0x0
Program Counter High 0x2
Program Counter Low 0x4
Format/Vector Offset 0x6

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