RTEMS 4.10.1 On-Line Library

DEC 21240 Driver Introduction

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6.1: DEC 21240 Driver Introduction

One aim of our project is to port RTEMS on a standard PowerPC platform. To achieve it, we have chosen a Motorola MCP750 board. This board includes an Ethernet controller based on a DEC21140 chip. Because RTEMS has a TCP/IP stack, we will have to develop the DEC21140 related ethernet driver for the PowerPC port of RTEMS. As this controller is able to support 100Mbps network and as there is a lot of PCI card using this DEC chip, we have decided to first implement this driver on an Intel PC386 target to provide a solution for using RTEMS on PC with the 100Mbps network and then to port this code on PowerPC in a second phase.

The aim of this document is to give some PCI board generalities and to explain the software architecture of the RTEMS driver. Finally, we will see what will be done for ChorusOs and Netboot environment .

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