RTEMS 4.10.1 On-Line Library

Initializing FTPD (Starting the daemon)

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5.1.2: Initializing FTPD (Starting the daemon)

Starting FTPD is done with a call to rtems_initialize_ftpd(). The configuration structure must be provided in the application source code. Example hooks structure and configuration structure folllow.

struct rtems_ftpd_hook ftp_hooks[] =
      {"untar", Untar_FromMemory},
      {NULL, NULL}

struct rtems_ftpd_configuration rtems_ftpd_configuration =
      40,                     /* FTPD task priority */
      512*1024,               /* Maximum hook 'file' size */
      0,                      /* Use default port */
      ftp_hooks               /* Local ftp hooks */

Specifying 0 for the well-known port causes FTPD to use the UNIX standard FTPD port (21).

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