RTEMS 4.10.1 On-Line Library

Task Manager Task Manager Task Deletion

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1.3.5: Task Manager Task Deletion

The del_tsk system call deletes the task specified by tskid. Specifically, it changes the state of the task specified by tskid from DORMANT into NON-EXISTENT (a virtual state not existing on the system), and then clears the TCB and releases stack. An E_OBJ error results if this system call is used on a task which is not DORMANT.

After deletion, another task having the same ID number can be created.

The exd_tsk system call causes the issuing task to exit and then delete itself.

When a task exits, that task does not automatically release all the resources (memory blocks, semaphores, etc.) which it had secured prior to the call. It is the user's responsibility to see to it that all resources are released beforehand.

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