RTEMS 4.10.1 On-Line Library


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4.4: chown




This routine is layered on the rtems_filesystem_evaluate_path() and the file system specific chown() routine that is specified in the OPS table for the file system.

Development Comments:

rtems_filesystem_evaluate_path() is used to determine if the path specified actually exists. If it does a rtems_filesystem_location_info_t structure will be obtained that allows the shell function to locate the OPS table that is to be used for this filesystem.

It is possible that the chown() function that should be in the OPS table is not defined. A test for a non-NULL OPS table chown() entry is performed before the function is called.

If the chown() function is defined in the indicated OPS table, the function is called with the rtems_filesystem_location_info_t structure returned from the path evaluation routine, the desired owner, and group information.

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